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Soliciting Opinions

When I was looking for inspiration for the stockings I made, I saw these little bags and they kind of stuck with me.  With a little modification, I thought they would make good gift card "holders".  My daughter's school sells gift cards as a fundraiser.  Many of you are probably familiar with this sort of program.  If you aren't, I'm sorry, but I can't really explain it since I'm not sure I understand it myself.  Anyway, understanding the program isn't important. 

I was thinking that maybe I could make some of these and give them to the school for them to sell with the gift cards for the Christmas season.  I haven't run this idea by anyone at the school yet, but I thought I would make some samples so that they would know what I was talking about.

I was thinking that they were pretty cute.  Then I asked the Preacher what he thought.  His response went something like this:
"Honestly, I really don't like them.  I don't think they are cute at all.  Rickrack just doesn't seem very modern to me.  It looks like something someone's grandma made that you then pass over at a garage sale."
To which I thought, "Well.  How pastoral of you."  Just kidding.  I just had that thought now while typing.  :)  I was a little surprised, but I was grateful for his honest opinion.  I don't ask his opinion unless I really want it.

So then I looked at the little bags differently.  Maybe the felt and the rickrack together was all just a little too....crafty.  And I went back and looked at Martha's site and thought, "Yeah, mine definitely aren't as cute as hers."    Maybe this isn't a good idea at all.  But, I did like them before he said he didn't.  Now I'm not sure what I think.

I included a gift card in this one to show the scale.  When all the way in the bag, the card is completely covered.

If these were just for my personal use, I wouldn't really be concerned about it, but I don't want to spend any more time or money on something that isn't going to be successful.  And I really don't want to saddle the school with something unhelpful.  So, I'm asking for your honest opinions.  What do you think of these little bags?


  1. I think it's the white felt; I like rick-rack and felt's alright, but stark white felt just says "disposable" to me...probably because I use it as linen "protectors" on my q-snaps. I like the low-level relief effect of the woven or braided rick-rack, but not the poofy poinsettia so much.

    I think it would be a nice idea to add some sort of snap or button closure (if not too much extra trouble) so that it could be re-purposed after the gift is given (for example as a pocket tissue holder?)

    The problem for me if I received this is that I'd want to throw it away on the grounds that it's clutter (and can really only be used as an ornament or re-gifted)...but would feel really conflicted about making that call because it was handmade.

  2. I feel that I want to clarify that when I say that white felt is disposable, it's closer to what I mean that to me, white felt=bounty paper towels. They're good, and useful, and you can do stuff with them, but...they are disposable.

  3. I think that they look like cute gift bags for gift cards. I would save them with the rest of my xmas gift bags for the following year to reuse. I think a gift card gift bag is a cute idea, many people give gift cards at xmas time. I can agree that they do not look "modern", but I think that they are cute and definitely serve their purpose! I think the price would be the make or break whether I bought it or not. I would want it to be somewhat comparable to a gift bag (a nice gift bag) in cost. Hope that helps! Remember, everyone likes different stuff!

  4. I agree that they are something you would "re-gift." I like the large poinsetta. It's probably true that the felt is holding you back. What if you made them out of muslin - you could then tea stain them and make them look antiqued - the contrast with the modern "gift card" would be clever, and they would be more useable as an ornament as well. It might not hold the heavier ribbon as well, but you could do more delicate designs. - Joanne

  5. I personally like them...they must be cool or Martha wouldn't have them on her site. However, I think the white felt is a little too stark and cheapens them a little. What about off-white or tan?

  6. I really like them they are so cute. You are so talented. When you want an opinion on crafts never ask a man. But good job and I think your idea ofusing them for card holders is great.

  7. well, i think they are just too cute for words! and i know that at my school they would sell, not for alot but a nice price... and they are useful.

  8. I agree that the felt is what would make me say no to them, but I think they could even be used to put mini candy canes in on the tree... it's always about the candy! :)

  9. Not a huge fan of the white felt. Love the ribbon handles though and I particularly like the candy cane design. Good luck!

  10. I personally think that this is a very cute idea and shows a lot of creativity. Some people appreciate handmade gifts and others just don't. If you originally liked them, then other crafty people will feel the same.


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