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At the End of My Rope

I'm really liking this sock. I like the yarn, I like the pattern, I like how it feels on. Too bad that those few loops of yarn on the right is all that is left. Boo.
As you can see, the sock is not nearly long enough.

I do have another skein, but that should be for the other sock. I could start on that skein to finish this sock, but then the second sock would just barely cover my heel with this yarn. I think I'll probably finish this sock with some other yarn (ideally from stash) and then do the same for the second one. At least they will match then, even though they won't really look great. The different part will be covered up by my shoe most of the time, anyway. This experience makes me want to try knitting socks starting at the toe.

This is some interesting yarn. My MIL gave it to me. I love the color and it is wonderfully soft. It is a bit fuzzy, so stitch definition is pretty poor, but I'm still liking how it is turning out.

If you can read the ball band, you can see that it is 80% merino wool and 20% possum fur. That's right. Possum. I have never seen possum fur in yarn before. When I was learning to drive I remember my dad telling me not to swerve to avoid hitting animals, except for possum. And those I was supposed to swerve for in an attempt to hit them, not avoid them. But, he didn't tell me that I should nab their pelts and spin some yarn from it.

The stitch pattern is a double eyelet rib from Nicky Epstein's Knitted Embellishments. This is the first time I've tried a stitch pattern on a sock. Usually I like to have a pair of socks on the needles for mindless knitting and don't want to follow a chart, but this pattern is pretty simple and only requires something other than knitting and purling every fourth row. Pretty easy to remember.

I'm going to hold off with these purple possum socks for awhile and start work on a pair of socks for my daughter with this pink and green yarn. It's Plymouth Yarns Happy Feet. It looks and feels like it will be fun knitting.


  1. if you have any left, it would make wild toes on the possum socks.

  2. Hi caught sight of the Maori design on the wool for your possum socks- it's from New Zealand (my home) where our dads teach us to hit possums also:) Apparently it's the only fibre apart from Wolverine where each strand is actually hollow, holding the warmth and making it incredibly warm to wear- they look amazing! If I hit any purple ones I'll send it your way for those toes :)


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